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  • I need to cancel my order. Can I have a refund?
    We are happy to refund your order, as long as you cancel at least 48 hours before your scheduled pickup/delivery time!
  • I chose the wrong date for my order. Can I have a refund?
    We are not responsible for orders that are placed for the wrong date. If the mistake is caught and the order is canceled 48 hours prior to the scheduled pick up/delivery time, then yes, we can refund you! If the order has already been made, or if it is within the 48 hour period, unfortunately, we will not be able to issue a refund.
  • Is my order guaranteed once I submit an order form?
    No. You will receive an email response within 48 hours to follow-up regarding your order form submission!
  • How early do I need to place my order?
    The easiest answer? As early as possible! We do not have a requirement on how early you must place your order. Sometimes we are able to accommodate last minute orders, and other times we are fully booked months out. It all depends on the date you are looking at and the amount of people you need to feed!
  • How far do you deliver?
    We travel up to 30 miles for deliveries and catering orders.
  • How long is my charcuterie good for?
    We recommend that our boards be consumed within 36 hours of pick up for the best quality!
  • How long can my grazing table sit out?
    Grazing tables can sit out safely at room temperature for up to 4 hours. This includes our 2 hour set-up time.
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